Tourist vs Traveler

 In my social science classes we have many times read about travelers visiting India from China and Gulf countries. We were very happy to know that how culturally rich is my country that many travelers visited our country. 

My brother happen to get admission in IITK. To meet my brother in Kanpur we stayed in small resort in Kanpur. 

My brother had many good things to be told to us about Kanpur. As brother was staying in Kanpur he always visited Kanpur city as tourist. He saw Bhaitoor temple near Ganga river very special. He used to admire Kanpur Thiago laddoo which we ate many times. 

But when we stayed in small restore in Kanpur we were travelers not tourist. We could see fine life of Kanpur. Everywhere tea stall with lot of samosa was pleasant experience. But inspite all humbleness people chewing paan will pitch out peak every where. Kanpur people always exhibited less sense of hygiene. 

Vegetables hawkers will not care about keeping vegetables in clean way. 

Leather factories of Kanpur will not hesitate to put factory waste in ganga river. 

These were observations we as travelers observed in Kanpur. My brother was in IITK, he visited Kanpur city as tourist therefore he could not see fine things of Kanpur life. 

Moral of story is when one is exploring outside city it is better to visit as traveler not as tourist. That knowledge makes one more mature and thought ful. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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