Social capital of my grandparents village

 When I was small my whole family used to visit our village during summer vacation. It was such a great experience visiting out grand parents. Village was very clean and we will go for morning walk in mango tree garden, near by it was so refreshing to see wheat crops. We were privileged in sense every one recognized that we are grand children of lawyer Kohli. Every one treated us like guest. Which side of village we go we were welcomed with open arms. 

It was very pleasant experience for all of us, but since I was very small could never find out why it was so, ie why it was such a rich experience visiting my grandparents. 

Now I have grown old, I can analyse that people of my grand parents village were very wise. Every saturday night village had panchayat and people having any ‘x’ problem was given sympathetic hearing. My grand parents were also deeply involved in such activities, that’s why they were being respected so much by villagers. 

Friends moral of story is that my grand parents village has good amout of social capital, therefore people who had personal capital were happy  and felt proud to live in that village. Same was the reason ie social capital of the village made us- children happy visiting our grand parents. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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