Time Management-My Mother

 My mother was very particular about time management. She was a home maker. My self my brother used to go to school and our  bus will come at 7.30am.

My mother will get up at 5am and around 5.30 am she will wake us. She will make us go for bath, dress us for school. Before 6.30 she will pack our lunch boxes. At 6.45am she will serve us light breakfast. 

7.30 am she will make us board school bus. To manage time well she will make us make our school bags according to time table. My mother will see to it that we both brother sister has done our home work. 

Most important part which I can never forget about my mother time management is she curtailed her many social activities which were organised at night because of her kids. She was committed to us as she knew if she comes home late at night then she will not be able to send her kids to school in time. 

Now I realise how wonderfully my mother managed time. For us she was no less than scientists . She will take care of every thing of us in time. Salute to my mother because of her sincere efforts we got training in managing time and valuing time. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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