Creative writing-Energy Channel

 do creative writing  . I do science arts writing also. This activity makes my mind active all time. It gives me analytical skills and sense of justice. On the whole it makes me healthy physically and mentally. 

Because of this creative writing I am in touch with many respected persons who keep  same interest as I have. In a way my energy is channelised in right direction. This activity give me social platform. 

Due to writing my many thoughts are out of my mind, therefore my mind get relaxed and I feel stress free. When many people read  my writing pieces and send me their valuable comments that becomes force behind which makes me write more. It becomes chain reaction. 

I am enjoying my writing. Specifically after retirement this creative writing seems to me like my teaching assignment. Though I miss my students in class, but their comments on my writing gives me pleasure. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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