My Rich vs wealthy Friends

 had one friend Ram. He  used to earn vey well but he was in habit of over spending. He was fond of collecting good cars. One car always was on loan. I used to tell him his policy of spending money is not right. I used to question him why you need three cars. He had no concrete answer to my questions. 

I has one friend Ms Gita, she was also earning very well. But she will never overspend her money. She had one car. She used to maintain it very well. I was so impressed by her good habits of spending money. She used to do charity work from her income. She believed in contributing to society. She will never boast about her money. 

At once I realized my friend Ram is rich person while my friend Gita is wealthy person. 

Moral of story is, if one is blessed with money it is better one should try to be wealthy rather than rich. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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