Visit to History Museum

 Once we visited history museum with our students.Students were realy taken s back when they saw in olden time kitchen there were no cooking gas, but instead coal stoves were available for cooking and ladies used to spend great amount of time in cooking.In olden kitchen there was no fridge and woman had to cook every thing fresh. All this time she used to curtail from her personal time. That’s why woman in old times were reduced for house hold activities.

History museum paintings showed people in olden time did not have variety of clothes to wear. Life was tough but simple. 

After visiting history museum I told students that they should  be grateful if the modern world has freed up time for them. As one does not  spend ones days cultivating food and tending livestock, giving ones time to explore ones interests. 

Therefore students please don’t waste ones time worrying about things that are not going to matter hundreds of years from now, such as scrolling social media endlessly and wasting ones days commenting on pointless things on the internet.

I educated my students I posed a question to them. Please ask yourself: do you want to be someone who makes a difference to your family or community, or do you want to waste the advancements in technology, science and art that have enabled you . 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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