Asian Paints-Grandparents

 We were fortunate our grandparents used to live with us. They taught us small small tricks to lead happy life and I still practice those tricks in my life. Spiritual training they gave me was excellent. Dialogue with higher power I do it everyday. 

In between for one month my grand parents used to go to their village. That one month used to be vaccum for me. 

Once in that month when my grandparents were away we got Asian paints on walls of our house. People visiting our house appreciated the paint. 

But I never could appreciate Asian paints on walls of my house, as I was missing my grandparents. I was unhappy from inside I used to console my self, by thinking I wish Asian paints could talk like my grandparents. I missed them so much. 

Moral of story is house only becomes home when we live with our dear ones in it with love , affection and harmony. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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