Studying in good expensive college

 Studying in Good Expensive College

I was studying in prestigious college.The biggest thing I observed that we
all students were living  in an incredibly competitive world and were all
on the same track in some kind of race, somehow competing for the same

 Nobody knew what that thing is, but somehow high grades and going to an
expensive college are supposed to get us there.

After I graduated from college I realised that the truth is, the world is
not that competitive. My observation is that people who know how to
cooperate, to help others rather than worry excessively about their own
achievement, are often the happiest and most successful, by any reasonable
measure of success.

When I was studying in college I always thought   that there is a great
advantage in getting into an elite, expensive, hard-to-get-into college.

I found this is myth. The myth was because  a failure on the part of
people who should know better to distinguish between correlation and

Yes, going to a prestigious college correlates with getting a prestigious
job and high income later on in life, but that doesn’t mean that going to
the prestigious college is in any way the cause of such success . One
should take advantage of facilities, good faculty members teaching and
good students coming to that college and try to learn maximum from
environment provided by college and work on ones personality building .
These learnings will help individual in one way or other. These learning
experiences correlates to ones successful happy life.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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