Proving Many Prediction About One self Wrong----


I had friend Shela, for her plus two classes 11th and 12th, she wanted to go for science subjects.Her family was orthodox and never wanted Shela to go for science subjects.Shela joined good engineering college after her school,but her extended family was not happy with her choice.They always thought Shela can not do this course of her choice.Shela always believed she is not what others define her.

Shela went to do Ph.D abroad. Here sadly for first two years she had tough time ,as her supervisor thought she will not be able to pull through pre- Ph.D course work. In next two years in her Ph.D program Shela’s supervisor was happy with her work , hard work and analytical skill.

Shela never cared for any one’s comment about her.She was always involved in her research work.Now I feel proud my friend Shela is professor in good college in USA

Moral of story is friends , there always will be people who would tell one to quit, who will tell one that one can’t do this, who will tell one that one is  not worthy but  always remember friends one  is not what others define. One is what one perceive oneself to be.

It is the only tip I wish someone would have given to every student.  With this realization if one strives to perform, certainly one will be better and will become the best in spite of every person thought  against one.Friends one feels awesome that one has proved so many’s prediction about oneself  wrong.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


No Child Left Behind vs No Child Forced to Wait

My sister teaches  in government school.Students come from all back ground.Some students are bright, some are interested in co curricular activities, some are slow learner, some are unruly,some are demotivated, some are rich, some are financially poor.To put it in other words there is big spectrum of students shade which every school has to handle.

Through out the year, along with co curricular activities of students teachers are busy covering syllabus of subject assigned to them.Sadly some time in between teacher has to handle unruly student and sometime one has to handle slow learner.With all these activities of students teacher get too much burned out.One has hardly any time to attend to students who are above average, intelligent and smart.Sadly teachers always ask them to wait and handle their queries at last priority.

Every school has room for special educator where special educator helps students who need special help.I wish very intelligent students could be helped by intelligent subject expert teacher.Sadly very few schools are able to do so.These students feel left out and some time go for option of home schooling.I wish government  could realize these students are cream of country and jewels of nation .It is right time to polish these jewels as they can lead country in many fields.

Moral of  story is that it is good goal of ideal education is ” no child should left behind” but it is equally important that” no child forced to wait”.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Struggle vs Experience Chemistry

 I was talking to students other day and were advising them not that one should not  be scared of ones struggle in life. My students who are preparing for professional exam have to work day and night.After school many students take help from expert teachers to handle questions asked in entrance test.These students are always running short of time.

I feel very much concerned for them.Only way I help them by telling my students, struggle is part of life which is very important.Struggle give one valuable experiences and these experiences help one in solving struggles which one faces in future.

If  I put in chemistry language

1.Struggle give rise to experience as product hence it is consequential reaction.

2.Struggle and experience one cannot separate from each other.In other words struggle and experience are in equilibrium with each other, hence it is equilibrium reaction.

One can not separate ones struggle and experience .One cant accept or reject them, by separating them .These earned experiences help one in handling future struggle of life.Struggle and experience are two sides of same coin

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Starting activity late in carrier


I am persistence person and believes  and lives in the glass-half-full analogy  well. Interestingly, I am met with a mixture of kudos and disbelief by my age peers when I reveal my new endeavor of science arts writing to them. 

 Since doing work from home is especially suited for seniors like me,,it only stands to reason that as I do bit of writing every day as blog in No one knows how old I am as I am  online, and the chance of ageist reactions and rejections shrinks exponentially.

 The goofy ideas of science arts characters, colors, and moody sounds that have resided within me since I was a teen are still there, and I am finally unleashing them on the world through my writin one by one. It’s a number game. Social media has become second nature to me.

 I think about it this way: What was once considered boastful is now called “self-marketing.” If you don’t put your intentions out there, no one will notice you or even value the wealth of talent that occupies your innards. I figure I can’t give myself the understanding  of hoping to be “discovered.” I have to make this little dream happen, just as I did when I submitted a science arts writing sample to different science magazine editors. Many time my writing were accepted for publication. That encouraged me to write and till today I am involved in science arts writing. 

Now I write blog on and name of my blog is “sukarma musing”.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK



 There are many format of STEM-science,technology,engineering,Mathemstics.STEM education is backbone of any country.Young generation can fetch high salaried jobs with STEM education.

Not including humanities in STEM is a myopic view. There is strong view among educationist that STEM is actually STREAM- Science, Tech, Reading, Engineering, Art, and Math and STEam process are very useful in logically analysing history and other humanities subjects. Humanities is must for students as it teaches them humann values which one practices in life

STEM education includes courses in humanities such as language, sociology, economics, accounts, commerce and management around 15% as a way to bring STE to people. Teaching 15% STEM courses to students of science, humanities, commerce is necessary for them to be a little bit more disciplined and purposeful in life

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Reading Books

 I was teaching science in school. I used to motivate students to do extra reading, may be newspaper, magazine or books. I told student that library period is alloted  each class so that student could catch up with habit of extra reading. 

Many students were sincere and used to do extra reading and sometimes will ask relevant questions. In a way these students also helped me in increasing my GK in present science and history of science. This useful activity increased students curiosity. 

I observed students whose parents were helping them for  reading extra books were learning new things .These  students were thinking about why the world is in the state it is

These students were interested in finding out more about things one don’t understand

They were good in finding out about a new idea

These students were good in explaining  how AC, fan, radio pressure cooker   works.When ever I get opportunity I will help those students who are interested in same to write detailed project. Many students did it successfully. I helped those students to get appreciation certificate from school. That little incentive helped students to move forward in science and that project writing in science became their second nature. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK



 My father always advised all of us to go for simple living. He always argued why buy ones personal car as it only a means for going from place  A to B. For that on can use Uber taxi services to do so. 

He always argued that living in small house is better than living in big house as unnecessary material one will accumulate as clutter. This way one will save ones time, which one put in for unnecessary shoping ,and money one had to put in for maintaining big house. 

With same argument he taught all of us how to do cooking. According to him home made food is more nutritious and clean. And one does not depend on help for cooking. This exercise also saves ones lot of money.  Ones saved money one can use that amount in persuing ones passion. In other words one had more freedom to do what ever one wishes to do. 

When we were in school, my class mates will try to humilate us, they will talk, look they are so miser they live in small house and they do not have personal car. At young age we never understood the benefits of all these good practices followed at our home. Nor we could explain our friends so. 

As we grew up we understood the philosophy behind all the practice s followed at our home. These practices give us two precious gifts

1.more time at our disposal

2.more freedom available to us

With these two gifts one can follow ones passion and spend more meaningful time with dear snd near ones. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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