
 My father always advised all of us to go for simple living. He always argued why buy ones personal car as it only a means for going from place  A to B. For that on can use Uber taxi services to do so. 

He always argued that living in small house is better than living in big house as unnecessary material one will accumulate as clutter. This way one will save ones time, which one put in for unnecessary shoping ,and money one had to put in for maintaining big house. 

With same argument he taught all of us how to do cooking. According to him home made food is more nutritious and clean. And one does not depend on help for cooking. This exercise also saves ones lot of money.  Ones saved money one can use that amount in persuing ones passion. In other words one had more freedom to do what ever one wishes to do. 

When we were in school, my class mates will try to humilate us, they will talk, look they are so miser they live in small house and they do not have personal car. At young age we never understood the benefits of all these good practices followed at our home. Nor we could explain our friends so. 

As we grew up we understood the philosophy behind all the practice s followed at our home. These practices give us two precious gifts

1.more time at our disposal

2.more freedom available to us

With these two gifts one can follow ones passion and spend more meaningful time with dear snd near ones. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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