Reading Books

 I was teaching science in school. I used to motivate students to do extra reading, may be newspaper, magazine or books. I told student that library period is alloted  each class so that student could catch up with habit of extra reading. 

Many students were sincere and used to do extra reading and sometimes will ask relevant questions. In a way these students also helped me in increasing my GK in present science and history of science. This useful activity increased students curiosity. 

I observed students whose parents were helping them for  reading extra books were learning new things .These  students were thinking about why the world is in the state it is

These students were interested in finding out more about things one don’t understand

They were good in finding out about a new idea

These students were good in explaining  how AC, fan, radio pressure cooker   works.When ever I get opportunity I will help those students who are interested in same to write detailed project. Many students did it successfully. I helped those students to get appreciation certificate from school. That little incentive helped students to move forward in science and that project writing in science became their second nature. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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