Young Generation Eating Habits

 What our new generation is eating some time make me worry. We can not  even tell youngester what they are eating is not going to help them. 

When I request younger generation to esty right kind of food they laugh at me, look at mom eating wheat and butter milk etc.

New generation children are  used to eating chemical in food. New generation is used to eating proceed food which contain so many chemicsls.  

Hoe can parents teach good habits of eating in children when they themselves eat out in restaurants.Very few restaurants are neat this every one knows.I personally feel these proceesed food make ones body pro ailments. 

Children should be given fresh fruits, cereals, vegetables and home made snacks. One should encourage children to eat sprouts. But alas no parents want to get into cumbersome process of cooking.

 Since ready made food is available in market. Moreover since both husband wife both are working therefore no time is available to them for doing home cooking.I really hope parents take care of kids and think of giving children healthy food.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Pl follow me at simily. co

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