Miracle of gift ti driver

 My son used to go to his school by traveling  in bus. In bus teachers and students use to travel. Senior students were naughty and immature they will make younger students fight with each other during travel time. 

Teachers will try their best to resolve fights taking place among younger students. But immature senior students used to fun out of fight of younger students. 

My son everyday will come and tell me about fights going among younger students. I found it little odd. 

One day I requested driver of bus to look into this problem. But driver was grumpy and he never gave any concern for my request. 

I understood driver is frustrated. To solve this problem I started giving present to driver for festival like holi -diwali. After seeing me doing so many parents started giving present to driver. 

Driver felt very happy. There was change in his behavior and he started behaving very nicely with students traveling in his bus. 

Moral of story is sometimes gifts given to person who is not happy in life do wonders in person life. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Pl follow me in simily. come

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