Benefit of Interacting People Coming From Different Background

 n school, the intellectual levels of all students are different.In a family, the husband, wife, and children have different intellectual levels.In jobs, the intellectual level of ones boss, colleagues and subordinates are different.In society, the intellectual levels of ones neighbour may be quite different from other.

I had friend Radha in school.She was my fried whom I used to appreciate for her humble nature.Once our teacher assigned us project.Radha  told me that you please come over to my house we will do together.I went to Radha’s house.unfortunately Radha’s mother was not well.My self and Radha sat in separate room to discuss our project work.As luck would have it Radha’s father’s friends came to their house.Radha’s brother came and requested Radha to prepare  tea.Myself and Radha prepared tea but Radha’s brother did not do so.It was such a big education for me.In some houses there is division of labour according to gender.I did not have this rule in my house ,so it was a big surprise for me.

We always benefit when we deal with people of different thoughts, opinions and intellectual levels, because we can always learn from others.Visit to Radha’s house made me humble while helping my mother in kitchen.

On the contrary, if one live with people of similar thoughts and opinions, ones life becomes boring and one learn nothing.

We can learn so many things even from little children.Little children never lie.They respect everyone who so ever visit them.They have no double character.Telling story to children is great fun.They ask very relevant thought provoking questions.

If you are really an intellectual, enjoy interacting with people of different thoughts, beliefs and intelligence, learn from each one of them, and enjoy your life fully.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Categories: All Stories, Coming of Age, Contemporary Fiction, Happy Read, Non-Fic

Why people in General not Happy


Other day I was talking to my senior teacher  Mr. Nandi.

Mr. Nandi is motivational speaker.He told me why people in general seem to be unhappy.

His submissions were following.

In society people don’t believe in simple life.People believe in spending extra money in activities which are not very useful in life. Because of all these activities there is lot of pretension in every ones life.Therefore people are unhappy.Due to mobile phone, there is so much interference in everybody’s life.Therefore people are disappointed.

In India there were never so much money was spent in celebrating birthdays of children. Now along with birthday celebration people spend so much money in gifts also.That creates tension among families.

Because  of science and technology advancement world has become very small. Carona virus  also taught us hoarding money also sometime do not help anyone.But attraction toward money has not decreased in world.

Moral of story is -best is to lead simple life.Be God fearing.Follow your passion to get peaceful life.Please remain away from pump and show in ones life. Enjoy ones life.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


New Generation vs Old generation


Students in my class often talk about difference in thinking pattern of

young generations and their fathers and fore fathers.

To answer students unique question my submissions are following

Friends there is difference in raising a child and giving good value

system to children. When children say that there is not much contribution

of their parents in raising them,that becomes a serious issue. Fact is

parents of those children some how could not convey their values to their

children, that it takes many many sincere efforts to raise children with


Friends we raise our children.Similarly our parents also have raised

us.This goes in series and this is not new concept also.As river flows

from upside in mountain to down side.Same is series where children are

raised by their parents.By raising our children we add ourselves in series

of nature.This series keep moving with time.

Many children respect their parents for raising them and also love their

parents.They pay good respect to elders and love their elders.It is also

a fact sometime children do not have enough time to sit near their old


During this time infrastructure of society keep changing.Hence old

generation is not able to fit and pass their valuable experiences to new

generation. Because of this sometimes parents get agitated with

children.This difference of opinion make parents realize that they have

done so much for children,but some how children never acknowledge that.On

the other hand children think that every parent is raising ones own

children,which is a fact of life.What is something special our parents

have done for us—..

There is no mistake in the above listed process.But crucial factor is

time.Thinking of parents and that of children is right in their own

perspective. .Hence friends with time, parents will keep raising children

and at the same time they will keep hearing from children that their

parents have done their duty but not much more which is extra.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK

Format of relatioships


We often talk about relationships,

Sincere efforts help in maintaining relationships,

People emotional were our fathers,fore fathers,

Hence always cared about relationships.

After that realized, some people practical,

Its good to be practical in caring for relationships,

They did not believe in forgo and forget philosophy,

In maintaining relationships,

They believed in taking advantage of relationships,

In day to day life and life professional.

Now new generation is very professional,

For them if possibility of any transaction in their favor,

Then only it is useful for establishing relationship,

Other wise situation is no no in name of relationship.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Success is not Achieved by Force


I was teaching in school.I was taking students for picnic in hill area few Km away from our school.

While on a picnic trip, I once called all students of my group  and told my students.“come here, students while pointing at a big rock.See these tiny drops of water, hitting over this stone?” I said students.

“What is special about these drops madam

“Look how tiny and delicate these drops are,” I said while placing my hand under the dripping water.

I stretched my hand to feel each drop of water hitting my hand.

“There’s a big lesson in each of these drops!” I told student.

Students stared at me with surprise and asked, “What do you mean madam-its not clear to us.

These drops of water remind one about ones life accomplishments. Everything that one ever achieved in life has been only through intentional perseverance and focus.

 I told students“See this huge rock below, receiving each drop?”

“Yes?”  answered students.

“Isn’t it remarkable that such a delicate drop of water can wear down and shape this stone?

Is it so,with surprise answered students.How Small they are, sometimes insignificant drops of “progress” have sculpted this rock.”

To answer your question students,which you some time ask me in school, what is the secret to success?I am giving you this live example.

In life, success is achieved not by force, but through focused, constant, relentless persistence as these little drops are doing.

Moral of story is friends to get success in life  please be focused persistent in your work like little drops.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Never Stop Learning

Other day I was happy to meet my girl student Nisha  in birthday party  whom I have taught long back.

As usual Nisha was sorry  that she is not a working mom.I told  Nisha never think this way.Nisha you are a home maker.Its okay you are not being formly paid but you are doing great contribution by raising your children which is not easy task to do if done in perfect manner.

I advised Nisha- please never stop learning. Learning is not only good for your brain, but also for your soul. It keeps you curious, open-minded, and creative. It helps you grow as a person and discover new things about yourself and the world. You don’t have to go back to school or take formal courses to learn something new. You can read books, watch documentaries, listen to podcasts, take online classes, or learn from other people. The important thing is to challenge yourself and expand your horizons.

Nisha when you will keep learning, you will get creative ideas that will help you in parenting. Once mother is active learner ,then her children get inspired from their mother and become active learner.

Moral of Story is mother is central point of any family.If mother is active learner then her whole family will be on right path of  hard work and will be finding joy in working with their own hands.

sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Celebrating Cultural Diversity in Class

I have been a school teacher. It so happened I was incharge of class in which students were coming from different nation and culture.

Every 2nd saturday we have to organize co curricula activity so that student could learn something more what is being taught in syllabus

Hello” is a common yet meaningful word in our lives. It is one of the first words we learn in school. It is one of the first words we use each morning. And it helps us build courage and confidence in new environments.“Hello” can also be translated into nearly all modern languages!

I asked each student to make play card and write on that  word in their language equivalent to word Hello in English. Students prepared following play cards and I am listing the same below

1. Spanish – Hola (oh-LA). Translation: Hello.

Hola is a friendly formal way of saying hi. 

2. French – Salut (sah-LUU). Translation: Hi.

Greet friends or family any time of the day by saying Salut. 

3. German – Guten Tag (gooten-taag). Translation: Hello or Good Day.

Say Guten Tag if you want to be formal. Or you can be more relaxed by saying Hallo to acquaintances. 

4. Chinese – Nei Ho (nee-how). Translation: Hello.

5. Japanese ­– Konnichi Ha (kon-neen-chee-wah). 

6. Russian – Zdravstvuyte (ZDRA-stvooy-tyeh).Translation: “Hello.”

7. Portuguese – Olá pronounced (oh-LAH). Meaning hello

8. Arabic – As-salam (ala-kyum). Translation: Peace Upon You.

9. Italian – Ciao (chow). Translation: Hello.(Sometimes Goodbye).

10. Indian – Namaste or Namaskar.

The word is a combination of two Sanskrit terms: namah (I bow respectfully to you) and aste (let there be). However the spirit of the meaning is more important than the literal translation.

After the activity I pasted all play cards on notice board so that student could see them for a week and get more knowledge by sharing with other students. Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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