Tourist vs Traveler

 In my social science classes we have many times read about travelers visiting India from China and Gulf countries. We were very happy to know that how culturally rich is my country that many travelers visited our country. 

My brother happen to get admission in IITK. To meet my brother in Kanpur we stayed in small resort in Kanpur. 

My brother had many good things to be told to us about Kanpur. As brother was staying in Kanpur he always visited Kanpur city as tourist. He saw Bhaitoor temple near Ganga river very special. He used to admire Kanpur Thiago laddoo which we ate many times. 

But when we stayed in small restore in Kanpur we were travelers not tourist. We could see fine life of Kanpur. Everywhere tea stall with lot of samosa was pleasant experience. But inspite all humbleness people chewing paan will pitch out peak every where. Kanpur people always exhibited less sense of hygiene. 

Vegetables hawkers will not care about keeping vegetables in clean way. 

Leather factories of Kanpur will not hesitate to put factory waste in ganga river. 

These were observations we as travelers observed in Kanpur. My brother was in IITK, he visited Kanpur city as tourist therefore he could not see fine things of Kanpur life. 

Moral of story is when one is exploring outside city it is better to visit as traveler not as tourist. That knowledge makes one more mature and thought ful. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Confidence-Life Issues

 was very introvert person when I was in primary school.My teachers in school helped me to become little extrovert.My teachers helped me to take part in extra curricular activities.That helped me in confidence building.

Confidence is very important in life but it come with a catch. One should be very confident in ones life issues being it positive or negative by accepting ones mistakes and learning from them. Being responsible for ups and downs is a way of accepting who we are.

Accepting oneself just ones way one is the first point of Confidence.

But always remember, friends NO ONE IS PERFECT, so, keep working on oneself because there is always a better version of who one is today.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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Time Management-My Mother

 My mother was very particular about time management. She was a home maker. My self my brother used to go to school and our  bus will come at 7.30am.

My mother will get up at 5am and around 5.30 am she will wake us. She will make us go for bath, dress us for school. Before 6.30 she will pack our lunch boxes. At 6.45am she will serve us light breakfast. 

7.30 am she will make us board school bus. To manage time well she will make us make our school bags according to time table. My mother will see to it that we both brother sister has done our home work. 

Most important part which I can never forget about my mother time management is she curtailed her many social activities which were organised at night because of her kids. She was committed to us as she knew if she comes home late at night then she will not be able to send her kids to school in time. 

Now I realise how wonderfully my mother managed time. For us she was no less than scientists . She will take care of every thing of us in time. Salute to my mother because of her sincere efforts we got training in managing time and valuing time. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Asian Paints-Grandparents

 We were fortunate our grandparents used to live with us. They taught us small small tricks to lead happy life and I still practice those tricks in my life. Spiritual training they gave me was excellent. Dialogue with higher power I do it everyday. 

In between for one month my grand parents used to go to their village. That one month used to be vaccum for me. 

Once in that month when my grandparents were away we got Asian paints on walls of our house. People visiting our house appreciated the paint. 

But I never could appreciate Asian paints on walls of my house, as I was missing my grandparents. I was unhappy from inside I used to console my self, by thinking I wish Asian paints could talk like my grandparents. I missed them so much. 

Moral of story is house only becomes home when we live with our dear ones in it with love , affection and harmony. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Tidy vs Clean Lab

 We had cleanliness drive in our school.I with help of my students and helper got my chemistry lab cleaned snd made it tidy also. 

After  a week I asked my students to write down difference between Tidy lab and clean lab. Students came with many answers the best one I am listing below.

Tidy lab means everything has a place, and everything like apparatus buret -pippets are in their respective places. Like reagent bottles used for testing cations and anions of inorganic salt must go to side shelves of lab. While acid and bases bottles will be in front shelf of lab. Countertops are empty, tables only have what belongs on it, towels are to be hanged on each working table. 

On the other hand lab can be perfectly tidy but dirty. Towels need in the laundry, countertops are dirty, lab table is sticky with reagent trips. 

One need soap and water and mop and vacuum. One should tidy the lab before the cleaning people come so they can clean, mop, vacuum, shampoo carpet, and scrub the shower.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Prosperity of Mind

 Prosperity of mind is good, 

Prosperity with money is not that good, 

Former gives one peace, 

Later gives one ego, 

Peace of mind is a gift one, 

Given to oneself, 

Just expecting nothing, 

From anyone,. 

Giving respect, 

Is like investment, 

Whatever you give to others, 

Will return you back with interest, 

With peace of mind, 

One may find one is walking slow, 

But remember one wishes to, 

Go to top, 

Never go up, 

While running. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Principle of Chemistry and Diversity on Earth

 All students of science know that every thing on this earth is made of different types of atoms. But each stom contain number of electrons.Accorging to Ethen siegal “Each electron, in addition to the quantum properties inherent to themselves (like mass, charge,  etc.) also have quantum properties that are specific to the bound state they’re in. When they’re bound to an atomic nucleus, that includes energy level, angular momentum, magnetic quantum number, and spin quantum number.”

The lowest-energy electron in an atom will occupy the lowest (n = 1) energy level, and will have no angular momentum (l = 0) and therefore a magnetic quantum number of 0 as well. The electron’s spin, though, offers a second possibility. Every electron has a spin of ½, and so will the electron in the lowest-energy (1s) state in an atom.

When one add a second electron, it can have the same spin but be oriented in the opposite direction, for an effective spin of -½. This way, one can accomodsy two electrons into the 1s orbital

The Pauli Exclusion Principle — and the fact that we have the quantum numbers given by Bohrs model of atom,— is what gives each individual atom their own unique structure. 

As one add greater numbers of electrons to ones atoms, one has to go to higher energy levels,there will be greater angular momenta, and increasingly more complex orbitals to find homes for all of them. 

The energy levels work as follows:

The lowest (n = 1) energy level has an s-orbital only, as it has no angular momentum (l = 0) and can hold just two (spin +½ and -½) electrons.

The second (n = 2) energy level has s-orbitals and p-orbitals, as it can have an angular momentum of 0 (l = 0) or 1 (l = 1), which means you can have the 2s orbital (where you have spin +½ and -½ electrons) holding two electrons and the 2p orbital (with magnetic numbers -1, 0, and +1, each of which holds spin +½ and -½ electrons) holding six electrons.

The third (n = 3) energy level has s, p, and d-orbitals, where the d-orbital has an angular momentum of 2 (l = 2), and therefore can have five possibilities for magnetic numbers (-2, -1, 0, +1, +2), and can therefore hold a total of ten electrons, in addition to the 3s (which holds two electrons) and 3p (which holds six electrons) orbitals.

Each individual atom on the periodic table, under this vital quantum rule, will have a different electron configuration than every other element. 

According to Siegal “No two elements, no matter how similar, will be the same in terms of the structures they form. This is the root of why we have so many possibilities for how many different types of molecules and complex structures that we can form with just a few simple raw ingredients. Each new electron that we add has to have different quantum numbers than all the electrons before it, which alters how that atom will interact with everything element. “

Hence for each individual atom of when combining with any other atom to form a chemical or biological compound there are many possibilities. There is  limit less possible combinations that atoms can come together in;

It is also true while certain configurations are certainly more energetically favorable than others, a variety of energy conditions exist in nature, forming the way to form compounds that even the cleverest of humans would have difficulty imagining.

Question is what is the reason that atoms behave this way, and that there are so many wonderful compounds are formed by combining them.The answer is  that one cannot put an arbitrary number of electrons into the same quantum state. Electrons are fermions, and we mostly  underappreciat  Paulis quantum rule ,but it is the one who prevents any two identical fermions from having the same exact quantum numbers.

According to Siegal”If we didn’t have the Pauli Exclusion Principle to prevent multiple fermions from having the same quantum state, our Universe would be extremely different. Every atom would have almost identical properties to hydrogen, making the possible structures we could form extremely simplistic. White dwarf stars and neutron stars, held up in our Universe by the degeneracy pressure provided by the Pauli Exclusion Principle, would collapse into black holes. And, most horrifically, carbon-based organic compounds — the building blocks of all life as we know it — would be an impossibility for us.”

The Pauli Exclusion Principle isn’t the first thing we think of when we think of the quantum rules that govern reality, but it should be given first thought. 

Friends without quantum uncertainty or wave-particle duality, our Universe would be different, but life could still exist.

Moral of story is Pauli exclusion principle is bold principle which has given diversity in species of this Earth. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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