Let us Make Life Simple

 In my Junior classes our teacher taught us to believe in simple living and high thinking. 

But an individual one can implement this philosophy but in today’s world, in my country this is not accepted by very many people. Some time they look down on people believing in simple living. Other way sometimes it becomes a social problem if one leads simple living

Simplest example is birthday celebration of children. Procedure followed in Indian community is cake is cut by birthday boy and every child invited for bday party bring present for child. Sometimes child- birthday boy is not able to appreciate the present given to him as one is not interested in specific present or sometimes the present given has intellectual level, much above birthday boy. 

This makes things little difficult. It is also customary no child goes to b’day party without carrying gift. 

Then b boy has to give return gift to all children who has come for bday party. 

All these rituals make life complicated for parents, specially who are working. 

Moral of story is please make life simple and remain worry free and enjoy life. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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Hurt Foot-----

 I had my close friend Gita. She was very intelligent ,after she finished her M. Sc degree she appeared for CSIR examination to go for higher studies. Before CSIR result could come she was invited  by school to teach science to secondary classes. 

Afre few months her parents got her married into good family. She was happy in the in laws family. 

After few months her CSIR result was out and she came out with flying colors in exam. 

She discussed with her husband and in laws family that she wishes to go for higher studies for which CSIR will give her fellow ship. Her husband agreed to her request but in laws were not in favor of this decision. 

One obvious reason was after higher studies Gita may get job in outside city. For that in laws family were not ready for same. Another reason was financial, that is fellow ship amout for higher studies was less than salary which Gita was getting as school teacher. 

Gita understood petty thinking of her in laws family. She went for higher studies for which she was never appreciated by her in laws. 

Gita was fortunate after finishing her higher studies she immediately got lecturer position in college. That full filled her dream. Her in laws were also very happy for same. 

Moral of story is petty thinking is like hurt foot which will never let one move forward. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Minimalistic Approach to Life

 My father was posted in France. I saw people in western countries accumulate things more than ones needs. 

This happens when big companies put big sale then people often buy things more than what they need. 

Companies put conditions like buy two get one free, then people often go for this option.

This is happening in India also. Now we indians are making our house museum instead of home. 

Since US has seen very big form of materialistic format therefore people in US are going toward keeping minimum things in house to lead happy life. 

 In our country accepting minimalism to lead life is must, as there is huge difference in pay of each individual.There is no even distribution of money and resources.

Some people have so many things that they can’t even have place to keep them in their home. There are others who  do not have enough clothes to cover their body. 

It is advisable to make ones house clutter free. 

Minimalistic approach to life has many advantages. 

Ones budget will be less. 

Less tension in home. 

It is easier to clean home. 

Financially one will be independent. 

Minimalistic approach to life is good for environment.

One will be away from pump show business.

One does not have to run after money. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Why some people are so much graceful

 My maternal family came to India after partition. It was a difficult time for all persons who migrated to hindustan. 

My mother was unmarried at that time. My grandparents were in confused state. They were living in refugees camp. 

My mother tell us that they hardly used to get to eat. Some how my grandparents arranged my mothers marriage. My mothers inlaws family was big. Unfortunately they were also refugees. My mother had to work very hard day and night. She had to cook for twenty people. All these hard work made my mother very humble. 

Helping attitude was built in her nature. She was very graceful. She will help everyone. My mother used to tell us, that she has seen so many suffering during partition time that now she does not want to add any more pain to this world. 

Suffering of partition made my mother very hard working, helping and therefore graceful. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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Thanks Pauli

 Thanks Pauli

Friends I am electron,
I have charge and mass,
I am bound to atomic nucleus,
Therefore I have properties quantum,
Energy level(principal quantum number) ,
angular momentum(azimuthal
quantum number) ,
 magnetic quantum no,
 spin quantum no,

As one more electron like me,
is added to ones atom,
That electron has to go to higher level,
There will be greater angular momentum,
Friends how may similar be two elements
 may be in terms of structure and form,
No two elements will be same.
All four quantum no of another electron added
Will not be same as that of electron present in atom

This is root of why we on earth have so many possibilities
Of forming different types,
of molecules and complex structures,
Each new electro added to atom
Have all four quantum numbers,
But atleast one quantum no will be different.

Compare to all the the electrons present in atom before it.
Friends this is Pauli's
Exclusion principle
No two electrons in the same atom can have identical values for all four
of their quantum numbers.
Thanks Pauli sir for giving us a beautiful principle-Paulis Exclusion

A root of maintaining diversity, biodiversity on Earth.
Making life so unique and interesting on earth.
Sukarma Thareja
Alumnus IITK

Wise people Ignore Many Things

 We used to live in government colony in Delhi. Most of people living in colony were middle class. 

One gentleman’x’ from colony bought brand new big car. He was enjoying his car with joy ride with his family. 

His  neighbors were not wise they started competing with Mr ‘x’ in buying good new car. 

Neighbors forget their children school fee, LIC payment and ailing parents medical bills and took loans and bought big new car. 

These neighbors soon realised that it was difficult for them to pay tution fee for children. Ultimately they sold that new car and started driving scooter. Other neighbors started making fun of them. 

But Mr ‘x’kept enjoying his car as he was not in pressure to pay loan of his car. Moreover Mr  ‘x’ was wise and had planned his money well. 

Moral of story is friends each one’s circumstances are different, compromises are different, planning is different, needs are different, goals are different.

If we can’t appreciate, we must atleast ignore other people’s achievements and luxuries and live practically as per our own circumstances and needs.Or bear with long term consequences of an unworthy emotional decision.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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Fashion trends in Clothes-Environment

 I got my Bachelor and Master of Science degree from good college. Our college was girls college. 

After every four weeks one could see that fashion in clothes which girls are wearing has changed. 

This change in fashion clothes come from western world. They are prosper countries. Girls don’t mind buying costly clothes. 

Then these clothes go over to Asian countries for cheaper cost. In the process there is waste of resources from environment. 

If one think logically cotton cloth come from trees. Meaning trees are basic source of clothes. 

In other words if one is changing trends in clothes before clothes could complete full life,one is exploiting environment.  That creats chaos in whole world fashion trend in clothes. 

Moral of story is it is high time to stabilize global economy of world

It is not advisable to have so much frequent change in fashion trends and please dont tax environment. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK



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