Work from Home-Mom

 It’s a blessing to be mother. Any country feel proud if creative, intelligent women and specialy when they are mothers are contributing in building country. 

Women contribution in building country is special as their experiences of working adds to diversity of work. It is s known fact diversity in any work force make its impact much more balanced and innovative

But being a work from home mother is very challenging. To face these challenges mother needs support from many sides of society

Some moms are lucky  they could take a year off from job 

Trying to go back to work after meternity leave,there are number of challenges on moms  physical and mental health, and  deep down sometime moms entire income goes to her nanny, so staying in her job just be making sense.

Some time mom work part-time from home as a writer and journalist, and it could be the best decision mom could have made. Mom took something she was already doing for fun (blogging) and turned it into a way to make some money while her toddler was sleeping. Working from home left her able to completely eliminate childcare costs.

 Working from home may or may not necessitate childcare, depending upon the specifics.

Working from home may seem like a dream, but it also has its challenges. It can be difficult to stay focused while at home, especially when moms kids are there too.

Whether or not working from home is the best choice for mom depends on many factors

Mom can eliminate her commute.

Mom has more time to spend with your children.

Mom don’t need to dress up and buy a work wardrobe.

Mom may have fewer distractions.

Mom may be able to eliminate or minimize childcare costs.

There are some problems also

Home may be more distracting than the office.

Kids at home may demand more attention from mom(even if you have childcare).

There may be fewer opportunities for mom to advance professionally.

Working mom may feel isolated.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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Writing-a Pleasant Experience

 I remember from class one onwards we were asked to write about species we see in day to day life. 

My teacher asked me to write about cow. I was very much fascinated by black cow. My grandmother used to worship black cow. To meet black cow I used to travel several miles. 

From class one onward writing became my hobby. When we were small we used to live in joint family. There was no facility of email at that time. My family knew that I am fond of writing, so who so ever wished to send post card to ones relative, I was person to be requested to write. I will very fondly write letters for every one. 

But in secondary classes I became student of science so I didn’t get much opportunity to do creative writing. 

When I started teaching in college to be creative in my art of teaching, I did science arts writing and liberal art writing. That made my teaching effective. Some of my science arts writing pieces got published in very good website and magazine. 

That encouraged me very much. Now after retirement to educate young minds I do science arts writing or sometimes liberal art writing. 

Moral of story is friends creative writing makes ones mind very fruitful and one become habitual to write worthwhile to train young minds for positive work. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Tourist vs Traveler

 In my social science classes we have many times read about travelers visiting India from China and Gulf countries. We were very happy to know that how culturally rich is my country that many travelers visited our country. 

My brother happen to get admission in IITK. To meet my brother in Kanpur we stayed in small resort in Kanpur. 

My brother had many good things to be told to us about Kanpur. As brother was staying in Kanpur he always visited Kanpur city as tourist. He saw Bhaitoor temple near Ganga river very special. He used to admire Kanpur Thiago laddoo which we ate many times. 

But when we stayed in small restore in Kanpur we were travelers not tourist. We could see fine life of Kanpur. Everywhere tea stall with lot of samosa was pleasant experience. But inspite all humbleness people chewing paan will pitch out peak every where. Kanpur people always exhibited less sense of hygiene. 

Vegetables hawkers will not care about keeping vegetables in clean way. 

Leather factories of Kanpur will not hesitate to put factory waste in ganga river. 

These were observations we as travelers observed in Kanpur. My brother was in IITK, he visited Kanpur city as tourist therefore he could not see fine things of Kanpur life. 

Moral of story is when one is exploring outside city it is better to visit as traveler not as tourist. That knowledge makes one more mature and thought ful. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Confidence-Life Issues

 was very introvert person when I was in primary school.My teachers in school helped me to become little extrovert.My teachers helped me to take part in extra curricular activities.That helped me in confidence building.

Confidence is very important in life but it come with a catch. One should be very confident in ones life issues being it positive or negative by accepting ones mistakes and learning from them. Being responsible for ups and downs is a way of accepting who we are.

Accepting oneself just ones way one is the first point of Confidence.

But always remember, friends NO ONE IS PERFECT, so, keep working on oneself because there is always a better version of who one is today.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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Time Management-My Mother

 My mother was very particular about time management. She was a home maker. My self my brother used to go to school and our  bus will come at 7.30am.

My mother will get up at 5am and around 5.30 am she will wake us. She will make us go for bath, dress us for school. Before 6.30 she will pack our lunch boxes. At 6.45am she will serve us light breakfast. 

7.30 am she will make us board school bus. To manage time well she will make us make our school bags according to time table. My mother will see to it that we both brother sister has done our home work. 

Most important part which I can never forget about my mother time management is she curtailed her many social activities which were organised at night because of her kids. She was committed to us as she knew if she comes home late at night then she will not be able to send her kids to school in time. 

Now I realise how wonderfully my mother managed time. For us she was no less than scientists . She will take care of every thing of us in time. Salute to my mother because of her sincere efforts we got training in managing time and valuing time. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Asian Paints-Grandparents

 We were fortunate our grandparents used to live with us. They taught us small small tricks to lead happy life and I still practice those tricks in my life. Spiritual training they gave me was excellent. Dialogue with higher power I do it everyday. 

In between for one month my grand parents used to go to their village. That one month used to be vaccum for me. 

Once in that month when my grandparents were away we got Asian paints on walls of our house. People visiting our house appreciated the paint. 

But I never could appreciate Asian paints on walls of my house, as I was missing my grandparents. I was unhappy from inside I used to console my self, by thinking I wish Asian paints could talk like my grandparents. I missed them so much. 

Moral of story is house only becomes home when we live with our dear ones in it with love , affection and harmony. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Tidy vs Clean Lab

 We had cleanliness drive in our school.I with help of my students and helper got my chemistry lab cleaned snd made it tidy also. 

After  a week I asked my students to write down difference between Tidy lab and clean lab. Students came with many answers the best one I am listing below.

Tidy lab means everything has a place, and everything like apparatus buret -pippets are in their respective places. Like reagent bottles used for testing cations and anions of inorganic salt must go to side shelves of lab. While acid and bases bottles will be in front shelf of lab. Countertops are empty, tables only have what belongs on it, towels are to be hanged on each working table. 

On the other hand lab can be perfectly tidy but dirty. Towels need in the laundry, countertops are dirty, lab table is sticky with reagent trips. 

One need soap and water and mop and vacuum. One should tidy the lab before the cleaning people come so they can clean, mop, vacuum, shampoo carpet, and scrub the shower.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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