Karmas for Meaningful Life.

 My friend Nisha’s daughter took admission in engineer college thinking that this education degree will fetch her good salary. But she was very good in fine arts. She used to do that very often as and when she got time. Nisha’s daughter  soon reslised that fine arts make her happy.After doing engineering she persuaded fine arts. She got many good opportunities to do so. 

Nisha’s daughter soon reslised one  can do anything in this world that one really want to do.

Nisha’s daughter got married .Her in laws were good but they always thought it is good that Nisha’s daughter fetch job on bases of engineering degree and persue her career in this. But Nisha’s daughter wanted to persue fine arts. She did so. She is doing well in fine arts job. She soon realised one doesn’t have to do anything in this world that one doesn’t really want to do.

Moral of story-  I know students who are capable of hacking any computer system.I always sincerely advice these students just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you must.Please understand Institute has made you capable, so that you could become good citizens of country. So students please dont do this unlawful activity. This is not going to make your life meaningful. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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Young generation Eating Habits

 What our new generation is eating some time make me worry. We can not  even tell youngester what they are eating is not going to help them. 

When I request younger generation to esty right kind of food they laugh at me, look at mom eating wheat and butter milk etc.

New generation children are  used to eating chemical in food. New generation is used to eating proceed food which contain so many chemicsls.  

Hoe can parents teach good habits of eating in children when they themselves eat out in restaurants.Very few restaurants are neat this every one knows.I personally feel these proceesed food make ones body pro ailments. 

Children should be given fresh fruits, cereals, vegetables and home made snacks. One should encourage children to eat sprouts. But alas no parents want to get into cumbersome process of cooking.

 Since ready made food is available in market. Moreover since both husband wife both are working therefore no time is available to them for doing home cooking.I really hope parents take care of kids and think of giving children healthy food.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Young Generation Eating Habits

 What our new generation is eating some time make me worry. We can not  even tell youngester what they are eating is not going to help them. 

When I request younger generation to esty right kind of food they laugh at me, look at mom eating wheat and butter milk etc.

New generation children are  used to eating chemical in food. New generation is used to eating proceed food which contain so many chemicsls.  

Hoe can parents teach good habits of eating in children when they themselves eat out in restaurants.Very few restaurants are neat this every one knows.I personally feel these proceesed food make ones body pro ailments. 

Children should be given fresh fruits, cereals, vegetables and home made snacks. One should encourage children to eat sprouts. But alas no parents want to get into cumbersome process of cooking.

 Since ready made food is available in market. Moreover since both husband wife both are working therefore no time is available to them for doing home cooking.I really hope parents take care of kids and think of giving children healthy food.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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Miracle of gift ti driver

 My son used to go to his school by traveling  in bus. In bus teachers and students use to travel. Senior students were naughty and immature they will make younger students fight with each other during travel time. 

Teachers will try their best to resolve fights taking place among younger students. But immature senior students used to fun out of fight of younger students. 

My son everyday will come and tell me about fights going among younger students. I found it little odd. 

One day I requested driver of bus to look into this problem. But driver was grumpy and he never gave any concern for my request. 

I understood driver is frustrated. To solve this problem I started giving present to driver for festival like holi -diwali. After seeing me doing so many parents started giving present to driver. 

Driver felt very happy. There was change in his behavior and he started behaving very nicely with students traveling in his bus. 

Moral of story is sometimes gifts given to person who is not happy in life do wonders in person life. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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Vedanta Philosophy

 When I was small our mother used to tell us to respect books as they give you knowledge, hence they are vidya mata. 

Respect money. Please dont waste money it is laxmi mata. Respect food as it given by God ann data. Respect water. Each river in India is given status of God. Without water life is nothing. 

When ever rains used to come in specific time in year people in India used to congratulate each other. 

This all is  according to Vedanta. Vedanta philosophy preaches us that every thing in this universe is manifestation of divine. Even we are manifestation of divine. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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Younger people not satisfied generation

 Other day I was talking to my old students.I asked them why you all seem to be not satisfied with your life. One student said rightly that this is because we compare with what we could have become and what we are today right now,that makes us feel frustrated.

Yes I also agreed with students that  a generation ago, people had choice of only one TV channel and practically one or two products on each category. Today, one has virtually unlimited choices in everything.

Even in the personal life, once choices of spouse were earlier limited based on your caste, religion, region or nationality. Today, one can select anyone as ones partner.

When one has too many choices, one get confused and even more frustrated because when one is not satisfied with what one choose, one curse oneself for making the bad choice and feel frustrated.

Other student explained that modern world is the most materialistic in the history of mankind.

It does not matter who one is.

What matters most is what one has. 

How much one earn?

How good looking one is.

How good looking ones spouse is.

Which car one drive.

How big ones house is.

How much ones income is.

The problem with materialistic way to life is that one feel always inadequate in one or more areas since there is always someone better than one in every area. Hence, instead of feeling happy what one has, one is unhappy because other have more.

Moral of story is to never compare one self with other in materialistic world. There is no end to it. If one gets involved in such materialistic world too much one will always be dissatisfied. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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Mother Day Celebration Every Day

 In India every day is mothers day. I have been living in joint family. Many of my close friends are home maker. Thay are blessed with children. Taking care of children is demanding exercise. I have seen some moms struggling for every second, as some time mom has to prepare breakfast and same time children demand  that they should be  nursed by mom with milk.

Poor mom get confused. She get to think which activity to do first. As both activities are equally important. 

 We know electron,  they sometimes behave like   particle and some times  electrons behave as waves. I wish mother was also given mystical power like electrons that she could be available for two big events at the same time. That perhaps would made motherhood more easy. But reality is not so. 

Best way to celebrate mother’s Day -ideally, is may be we can work on creating a world where moms have so much support from their partners and family year-round that when it comes around to their special day of celebration, they don’t have to ask for time to go to the bathroom or catch up on sleep. Maybe at that point, they’ll want some flowers. She will be grateful to all persons who so ever help her in making her mother journey duties smooth. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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