Mother Day Celebration Every Day

 In India every day is mothers day. I have been living in joint family. Many of my close friends are home maker. Thay are blessed with children. Taking care of children is demanding exercise. I have seen some moms struggling for every second, as some time mom has to prepare breakfast and same time children demand  that they should be  nursed by mom with milk.

Poor mom get confused. She get to think which activity to do first. As both activities are equally important. 

 We know electron,  they sometimes behave like   particle and some times  electrons behave as waves. I wish mother was also given mystical power like electrons that she could be available for two big events at the same time. That perhaps would made motherhood more easy. But reality is not so. 

Best way to celebrate mother’s Day -ideally, is may be we can work on creating a world where moms have so much support from their partners and family year-round that when it comes around to their special day of celebration, they don’t have to ask for time to go to the bathroom or catch up on sleep. Maybe at that point, they’ll want some flowers. She will be grateful to all persons who so ever help her in making her mother journey duties smooth. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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