Daily Diary writing

 When started teaching,I started writing diary. I just wanted to introspect activities of my whole day. That diary writing enlightened me and made me better person and in a way a better teacher.

I found that sometimes I do things  that create problems for myself… 

Some of activities which creat problems for me I sm listing them below. 

Sometimes  in occasionally gossip I use words which I should not have used.In the process I regretted using harsh words. 

2.I stayed up late scrolling social media and waked up exhausted. 

3.Sometimes I have  bigger regrets—people I have harmed whether I intended to or not—that cause mr to lose sleep or feel ashamed

The concept of Right Action, the first of the ethical principles b is outlined by the Buddha.  In short, I strive to behave ethically by avoiding harm to ourselves or others. I wish to accomplish this through mindful restraint in our thoughts, actions, and words.

I also have found that engaging in good behavior—such as cooperation, and caregiving—increases my well-being. 

Moral of story is friends diary writing to introspect ones action is very good way to improve oneself. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 


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