Unhealthy Food-Corrupt Life

 I used to teach my Students formula of leading healthy life?

1.Take the food that is nutritious and healthy and avoid the food which have more calories, fat and spices

2.Do workout daily by engaging in any physical activities like walking, swimming, exercising etc.

I used to tell my students,fact of life is that there are hardly any food which is healthy as well as tasty.

The unhealthier is the food, the more tasty and tempting it is

Hence, one end up eating the unhealthy food because  and spoiling ones health.

2.student everyone of you know the benefits of physical exercise. One not only maintain good body shape by such exercise but also prevent many diseases like diabetes, heart attack by such lifestyle.

Yet we fail to lead a healthy lifestyle because these activities don’t bear fruits immediately. They are painful by nature till you develop a habit of suffering such pain and start loving it.

What is true for health is also true for happiness in life.

The illegal activities like corruption, crimes, frauds, provides instant benefits and therefore appears very tempting. No wonder that people fall for them knowing fully well their evil effects on them.

One the other hand the ethical values like integrity, honesty, truthfulness, faithfulness does not provide any instant fruits and takes several years to bear the fruit some time in this birth or next birth. People are confused if it true that one has to bear consequences if they are corrupt. 

Moral of story is that  one should understand implications of corrupt life,unhealthy food and unhealthy life style of life. To some it seems to be mystery of life.But believe my friends it is not mystery but it is truth of life.We can perhaps avoid most of our suffering and live a great life.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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