Younger people not satisfied generation

 Other day I was talking to my old students.I asked them why you all seem to be not satisfied with your life. One student said rightly that this is because we compare with what we could have become and what we are today right now,that makes us feel frustrated.

Yes I also agreed with students that  a generation ago, people had choice of only one TV channel and practically one or two products on each category. Today, one has virtually unlimited choices in everything.

Even in the personal life, once choices of spouse were earlier limited based on your caste, religion, region or nationality. Today, one can select anyone as ones partner.

When one has too many choices, one get confused and even more frustrated because when one is not satisfied with what one choose, one curse oneself for making the bad choice and feel frustrated.

Other student explained that modern world is the most materialistic in the history of mankind.

It does not matter who one is.

What matters most is what one has. 

How much one earn?

How good looking one is.

How good looking ones spouse is.

Which car one drive.

How big ones house is.

How much ones income is.

The problem with materialistic way to life is that one feel always inadequate in one or more areas since there is always someone better than one in every area. Hence, instead of feeling happy what one has, one is unhappy because other have more.

Moral of story is to never compare one self with other in materialistic world. There is no end to it. If one gets involved in such materialistic world too much one will always be dissatisfied. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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