Artist with canvas of heart and spirit

 I am teaching science in Govt school. My friend Shradha is art teacher. For open house activity of school she organised big exhibition of different art which she has been teaching. It was all wow wow for our students whose hand is so clean and perfect in various art forms. Some painting were so good and real as if they

will speak very soon. There were painting with sketch pen and crayons. 

Many students have  taken water colour as medium. Other students loved to oil colours. Many students have chosen art collage as form of their expression. Many have put painting in form of digital collage. My science students have expressed many concept of chemistry as digital collage. It was fun to see different students involvement in different art form. 

I met head girl of school who was supervising students and helping Visitors in case they had some queries. I

 asked Nilima please tell me name off artist who used heart and spirit as her/his expression medium. Neelima was confused. She had no answer---. I said"Neelima a sincere teacher is an artist who uses her/his spirit and heart to make art with different talent of her/his student. 

Neelima had big smile on her face and said"right madam teachers are biggest artist who used hear and spirit as medium of expression of their sry form. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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