How creativity bring happiness

 I am school teacher. It is always fun to do creative activities with help of students. Which ever activity we organise in school like debate ,poem recitation or essay writing I always had pleasure of assessing creative enteries

I have read that creativity in any field improves happiness and well-being of person. Creative experience triggers the brain’s reward system, which produces dopamine, a neurotransmitter and hormone that elevates mood, motivation, and focus. One will just notice the pure joy of creating something. In my experience when I do science arts writing my heart gets filled with gratifying experience and I have unique experience of wonderful joy. 

Moral of story- To get unique creative

 happiness one should explore and

 adventure in creative activities.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


 Being a teacher I always try my best to involve my students in creativ experiences

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