Pre-post requisite-Hard work

 Other day I was talking to my student. One student was so much excited about artificial soft ware he said"madam with science technology and artificial soft ware around one can get results over night"

I said"please don't be confused that is not realistic statement dear student. Even with good Artificial intelligence software of science technolgy one gets good results overtime not  over night. There fore please be consistent in your hard work and work with honesty  and patience to get desired results. "

Moral of story-in every phase of life consistent work and patience is key to success. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Recipe to make Good Friends

 The other day I was talking to my students. One student asked me very valid question. Madam how to make good friends. Please tell us recipe to make good friends. 

I said"students I will give you small but effective recipe for same. To start with give importance to everyone who so ever you meet or interact. Irrespective of one you meet is small, big or rich or poor. Gradually you will observe some friends will stand with you in your thick and thin circumstances. Consider them as your good friend. Other friends will not stand with you in odd circumstances. They are friends whose behavior teach you many things in life. 

Moral of story-please give importance to everyone in life. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK

How creativity bring happiness

 I am school teacher. It is always fun to do creative activities with help of students. Which ever activity we organise in school like debate ,poem recitation or essay writing I always had pleasure of assessing creative enteries

I have read that creativity in any field improves happiness and well-being of person. Creative experience triggers the brain’s reward system, which produces dopamine, a neurotransmitter and hormone that elevates mood, motivation, and focus. One will just notice the pure joy of creating something. In my experience when I do science arts writing my heart gets filled with gratifying experience and I have unique experience of wonderful joy. 

Moral of story- To get unique creative

 happiness one should explore and

 adventure in creative activities.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


 Being a teacher I always try my best to involve my students in creativ experiences

Time-Health-Relationship Tag

 Other day I was talking to my students one student said"madam birth is start of life, which one give first experience of "time" Tag but it has no prize written on it. 

Other student said "as one moves on with life, one does make beautiful  creative thing in form of work and utility".I said that is  "art of life" and it has tag of making strong health but certainly health also has no prize tag on it. 

Another student said" in life one make strong relationship "I said relationship also has no prize tag on it. "

Moral of story-Time, health, relationship has no prize tag but when one loose them one realises worth of same. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK

Regret-Anxiety-Gratitude -handle them

 I am teaching in school. The other day I was talking to my student Ankita. She said"madam I always feel that getting married at younger age was my fault. I surrendered in front of wishes of my parents. I should have expressed my true feelings to my parents, but somehow I didn't. ".I requested Radha please dont be anxious about her future, as no amount of anxiety can change one's future. Radha please concentrate on present and develop good habit of showing gratitude. This habit can change

her present. Radha followed my request. I am happy she is leading a happy married life. 

Moral of Story

No amount of regret can change past, no amount of anxiety can change one's future. But any amount of gratitude can change present. Please concentrate on gratitude and be a better person

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Is Time important in life.

 I am teacher in school. I am very particular about problems, assignment which I give to students after I finish one chapter or important concept which I taught. That give me idea how to go about teaching my next lesson. 

Some of students like Rakesh, Anil and Radha I must say are very prompt in reporting home work assignment. Therefore I discuss the same and clear their doubts and that help me taking next step in teaching. 

There are some students like deepak, chanda they are not serious about same. 

When I ask them reason for not doing homework in time. They simply say"madam I didn't get the time"

I always advise those students that it is not a question of time. You lack in skill of utilisation of time. Please concentrate on utility of time. 

Moral of Story

It is not time that make person successful rather it is good use of one's time that make person successful. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumunus IIT K


Family Body soul

I was teaching science in school.In co curricular activity class,our guest speaker Mr Nandi talked to students about concept of  #body -soul-  peace.He also talked to student about karma theory described in Hindu epic #Shrimd Bhagavad Gita.All teachers were very happy as students asked so many questions about good- bad #karma.We thanked our guest speaker for excellent spiritual talk which enlightened students as well teachers.

Mr Nandi made me think hard about karma theory of Hindu epic Gita. I came back from school and before sleeping I wrote small poem remembering my  mother.Poem "Family-Body-Soul-Peace" I pasted the same on notice board of school for students to read.The same I am listing below for my esteem readers.



For my mother ,her family  is her soul .

Whole day she works without stop any,

For family and #extended family,

 Her noble deeds keeps her soul,

 In #equilibrium with her physical body,

 Her actions #propagates peace,

 In each family member soul,

She seeks blessings from God,

  Which acts as #catalysis positive,

Turns around prosperity,

 In life of each member of joint family,

Gives  peace of mind ,integrity,

and purpose of living to entire family.

Similarly May God initiate world peace,

In world family ,where all live,

 Harmoniously with   #neighbors,

Respecting all sentiments around them.


Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK 1986



Science of Life and Nature: A Photo Poetry Collection: Sukarma Thareja: 9781521260067: Books

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