Visit to History Museum

 Once we visited history museum with our students.Students were realy taken s back when they saw in olden time kitchen there were no cooking gas, but instead coal stoves were available for cooking and ladies used to spend great amount of time in cooking.In olden kitchen there was no fridge and woman had to cook every thing fresh. All this time she used to curtail from her personal time. That’s why woman in old times were reduced for house hold activities.

History museum paintings showed people in olden time did not have variety of clothes to wear. Life was tough but simple. 

After visiting history museum I told students that they should  be grateful if the modern world has freed up time for them. As one does not  spend ones days cultivating food and tending livestock, giving ones time to explore ones interests. 

Therefore students please don’t waste ones time worrying about things that are not going to matter hundreds of years from now, such as scrolling social media endlessly and wasting ones days commenting on pointless things on the internet.

I educated my students I posed a question to them. Please ask yourself: do you want to be someone who makes a difference to your family or community, or do you want to waste the advancements in technology, science and art that have enabled you . 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


My Rich vs wealthy Friends

 had one friend Ram. He  used to earn vey well but he was in habit of over spending. He was fond of collecting good cars. One car always was on loan. I used to tell him his policy of spending money is not right. I used to question him why you need three cars. He had no concrete answer to my questions. 

I has one friend Ms Gita, she was also earning very well. But she will never overspend her money. She had one car. She used to maintain it very well. I was so impressed by her good habits of spending money. She used to do charity work from her income. She believed in contributing to society. She will never boast about her money. 

At once I realized my friend Ram is rich person while my friend Gita is wealthy person. 

Moral of story is, if one is blessed with money it is better one should try to be wealthy rather than rich. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Dynamics of becoming Rich Person

 had big group of friends,after our college classes fished.We had to wait for about 50 minutes to catch bus to home town. We always use to have good discussion on one topic or other. 

Once there was a good discussion how some people feel good in projecting themselves that they are rich. 

I was of opinion that one can either look rich or be rich, but one probably won’t live long enough to accomplish both.

During discussion we friends came to conclusion that there are only five ways to get rich:

1.marry money – me and always working towards earning money

2.Exploit a unique talent, – means like some good chef whi have good cooking skills use their skills to earn money

3.There are people who are exceedingly lucky- happen to get rich

4.There are persons who have either own or lead a successful business are rich

5.Last trick to get rich is to spend less than one make and invest those savings wisely over long periods of time.

Even as one is aiming for any of the first four, one should practice the last one and one is guaranteed to be rich eventually.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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Creative writing-Energy Channel

 do creative writing  . I do science arts writing also. This activity makes my mind active all time. It gives me analytical skills and sense of justice. On the whole it makes me healthy physically and mentally. 

Because of this creative writing I am in touch with many respected persons who keep  same interest as I have. In a way my energy is channelised in right direction. This activity give me social platform. 

Due to writing my many thoughts are out of my mind, therefore my mind get relaxed and I feel stress free. When many people read  my writing pieces and send me their valuable comments that becomes force behind which makes me write more. It becomes chain reaction. 

I am enjoying my writing. Specifically after retirement this creative writing seems to me like my teaching assignment. Though I miss my students in class, but their comments on my writing gives me pleasure. 

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


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Studying in good expensive college

 Studying in Good Expensive College

I was studying in prestigious college.The biggest thing I observed that we
all students were living  in an incredibly competitive world and were all
on the same track in some kind of race, somehow competing for the same

 Nobody knew what that thing is, but somehow high grades and going to an
expensive college are supposed to get us there.

After I graduated from college I realised that the truth is, the world is
not that competitive. My observation is that people who know how to
cooperate, to help others rather than worry excessively about their own
achievement, are often the happiest and most successful, by any reasonable
measure of success.

When I was studying in college I always thought   that there is a great
advantage in getting into an elite, expensive, hard-to-get-into college.

I found this is myth. The myth was because  a failure on the part of
people who should know better to distinguish between correlation and

Yes, going to a prestigious college correlates with getting a prestigious
job and high income later on in life, but that doesn’t mean that going to
the prestigious college is in any way the cause of such success . One
should take advantage of facilities, good faculty members teaching and
good students coming to that college and try to learn maximum from
environment provided by college and work on ones personality building .
These learnings will help individual in one way or other. These learning
experiences correlates to ones successful happy life.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK


Benefit of company

 When we were studying in school, in our english class we learnt idiom “man

is known by company he keeps”. We used to make sentence of this idiom but
never realised true meaning of it.

In class 6th my mother taught me how to mend my torn clothes. She taught
me sewing stitches on torn clothes. I was so excited that I am empowered
now, as I can stitch my torn clothes. But my mother always used to
emphasize never keep needle with reel of thread without being thread in

 My mother told me that needle as seperate entity is dangerous as it can
pierce any body skin, with a result blood can come from skin and if not
taken care there is chance of developing infection.

Then I extrapolated my mother story of needle by my creativity. I told my
mother “mom see when needle is in good company of thread its nature become
good instead of hurting someone it is being used in connecting two torn
clothes. ” My mom was happy to listen to my interpretation of good

Moral of story is friends as needle nature of hurting someone change in
good company of thread. Hence man is known as company he keeps.

Sukarma Thareja

Alumnus IITK

Successful person Dilemma


We live in joint family. My youngest uncle is successful entrepreneur. I have seen him in his struggle time. We used to study for our exam at night time. My uncle would come late at night and sometimes used to work. He is our source of inspiration. He will tell us stories of his humiliation and repeated failure. We still respect our uncle. When ever we are in problem we take advise from him. As I am growing old I am finding most people are looking for shortcuts of success so that they can be successful without paying price for it. This I am seeing that my uncle is successful person, many people including my extended family members , friends and relatives want to exploit his success for their personal gain. Some of our family friends want them to use my uncles influence to get their work done or o get them jobs in some company, recommend their cases to higher ups or give them benefits using his influence. These things happen with most successful people. Interestingly, most of them actually did not appreciate my uncle when he was struggling in their lives. Now when my uncle has become successful, everyone wants to get benefited. My respected uncle knows, most of these demands people who need help from him are not only illegal, but also unethical. It is also impossible to fulfill the aspirations of all such people since once he helps one person, there are many who would seek the same favour for themselves also almost as a matter of right. Hence, most successful people like my uncle start avoiding such people or refuse to fulfill their demands.But if my uncle come to know it is a case
which is to be helped he does it as soon as possible. However, most people who wish to seek unjustified help instead of finding fault in their own change behaviour, blame the person who is successful for being arrogant due to success. It is also true that for in case of some people, success goes in their head and they start treating others as dirt when they achieve success. However, if one has stood up with the successful person in his difficult times, and one doesn’t try to use successful person for personal gains, most of successful persons would continue to behave normally with one even after achieving success. Sukarma Thareja Alumnus IITK
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